Huh? Dah tamat?? Betol ke? Tak la.. blom agy. Still ada satu agy.. Iaitu Ekonomi Asas. Hurm, nampaknya kita kan berpisah la lpas ni erk? To all my friends... aku sayang korang semua. Maaf kadang2 aku ada jugak buat salah...
(Sowry! Ni gambar masa F4...xjumpa yg F5!)
And untuk hari last, Pengerusi Kelab Matematik aku, Shazana buat cadangan tuk pergi makan dekat restoran.. Haha.. xsbar ar..nak snap pic!
Unable to execute the recovery process of passwords for the Blockchain account.
BalasPadamThe password is the main element of your Blockchain account. If you’ve forgotten your password and want to recover it, you can get in touch with the experts by dialing Blockchain support number which is functional throughout the year. Whether easy or hard, the professionals know how to handle the queries in the best possible way. They are always at your service and put all their energy into delivering out-of-the-box solutions which is must if you want to deal with Blockchain queries immediately.
Website: https://www.cryptowalletsupport.com/blockchain-support-phone-number/